Image Number | 0528821 |
GMT | 1975:075:23:20:30 |
Start Time | 1975-03-16T23:20:29.685Z |
Latitude | 32.84° to 62.24° |
Longitude | 15.68° to 48.48° |
Resolution (meters per pixel) | 499 |
Product ID | 528821 |
Incidence Angle | 76° |
Emission Angle | 72.71° |
Phase Angle | 106.81° |
Filter Number | 5 |
Filter Name | CLEAR |
Exposure Duration (ms) | 52.2 |
Instrument ID | A |
Subspacecraft Latitude | -18.59° |
Subspacecraft Longitude | -6.71° |
Subsolar Latitude | 0° |
Subsolar Longitude | 100.14° |
Instrument Declination | 19.91° |
Instrument Right Ascension | 4.12° |
Instrument Twist | 202.64° |
Planet Declination | 61.45° |
Planet Right Ascension | 281.02° |
Planet Rotation | 176.03° |