The ISIS format files contain raw Mariner 10 image data. The labels HAVE updated camera pointing and spacecraft position as reported in Robinson et al., 1999 and here . These position/pointing data can be found in a seperate text file
  0.2442136162981461D+07    00027090                            JULIAN_DATE&FDS
 -0.1769587929046400D+06  0.8521772271460000D+04 -0.5286737746724800D+05 SXSYSZ
  0.3573027738161266D+03  0.1715522302901001D+02  0.2061322570358278D+03 C1C2C3

The first line contains the Julian Date at which the image was acquired and the FDS clock count number (which is also the image file name). NOTE that the onboard clock reset to 0 several times during the mission so the times can get confusing. This feature of the mission is well described in the Murray and Burgess Book. The second line contains the spacecraft position coordinates. The third line contains the camera pointing angles.

Additionally, it was found that many of the ancillary data found on the raw EDRs were incorrect (Filter position, exposure times, etc), these have been fixed by examining published data and self consistency checks on the data. So be cautioned that errors may remain! Also the labels of the files contain reseaux positions determined by autocorrelation (ISIS module FINDRX) and later updates through manual inspection. The same reseaux positions are also available in text form (ascii files).

CAUTION: This is a large subset of the full Mariner 10 dataset: all these images were included in the control network effort cited above. Some of the original Mariner 10 images were not found in digital format. An effort is being made to recover these from raw telemetry tapes. Also many of the low resolution approach and departure images were not controlled. An effort is underway to manually control images orphaned from the global control network.

TAR FILES of ISIS Mariner 10 Image data for downloading
Encounter 1 RAW 449 images in one tar File (272 Mbytes)
Encounter 1, Incoming Hemi, Calibrated 179 images in one tar File (197 Mbytes)
Encounter 2 RAW 316 images in one tar File (192 Mbytes)
Encounter 3 RAW 28 images in one tar File (17 Mbytes)
Reseau positions for all images (redundant to positions on image labels) All in one tar File (2 Mbytes)

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